What’s new in Salesforce solutions in 2021

3 min readDec 8, 2020


Salesforce is a group of employees including solution managers, that works only to bring the customers close to the company by their efforts over resolving the issues faced by the customer.

It is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution or software that a Salesforce consulting firm usually possesses to bring each of those departments together which could grab customers and leverage the revenue generation of the company. Be it then marketing, sales, service, or commerce, it allows all these directions a single plain to spread in and let the organization see a better view of the market outside.


To define the term, we can understand it literally according to what it says. A relationship with the customer is required to be managed. And a solution is nothing but software or a way in which the target is achieved.

In technical terms, nowadays, the term ‘solution’ refers to software-based solutions like a website or an application, that helps customers as well as the business owner to understand and maintain a relationship.


As far as Salesforce services are concerned, its basic identity as a manager to the customer relationship with the organization remains unhindered. But can be foreseen in a bit advanced form with better cloud-based implementation.

- Salesforce custom development companies are now developing clouds for different fields separately. Like, cloud for Revenue generation model, cloud for customer experience, cloud for services, etc.

- Manufacturing, as well as retail Salesforce solutions, are separately developed so that both could be managed well-efficiently.

- Salesforce customization can be envisaged as a future’s vital solution to the CRM world. What customization refers to here is adding what our pre-existing application doesn’t have as a function. Our Salesforce support services and the consulting team would help you embed additional features to your pre-existing application.

- Artificial Intelligence is being embedded into it more efficiently with previous reviews and results such that it could respond to the customer automatically.

Einstein AI is a trending and the most in-demand term within the Salesforce world. It is almost a bi-product of technologies like AI and ML (Machine learning). It is basically for the B2C model of a business in which the vendors or merchants are supported and facilitated by the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The cloud of commerce helps the strategy with its available gathered data in order to generate more revenue.

The newer Einstein AI-based dashboard is configured and designed with the purpose of displaying all the metrics that are relevant to the merchants and their productivity.

CONCLUSIVELY, the more the time is advancing, the more the Salesforce methods are developing with automation, possessing an intelligence that has never been expected from software over certain limits. But the science of machine learning and deep learning made that possible too. Salesforce as a cloud-dependent solution might require good cloud computing consulting services so as to develop the one.

Make sure to deploy or hire a Salesforce consultant for keeping the relationship management with the customer even better than ever before. And in the case, you want to get an application developed over Salesforce, consider A3logics for the same purpose as it is one of the most preferred it consulting companies across the globe.`




A3logics delivers value-added industry-specific business technology consulting, IT solutions and services to businesses across the globe. marketing@a3logics.in